Bio Combinations contain tissue salts or cell salts that are recommended in low decimal potencies for correcting deficiencies at cell level. The principle aim of Bio Combinations salts is to stimulate the body to harmonize the disturbances, and compensate for deficient absorption of minerals. These salts help to activate the healing processes and facilitate regeneration of body tissues and stabilize health. These natural salts are physiologically and chemically similar to the cell minerals in the human body and penetrate cells more easily than heavier minerals. So they play an active role in reorganizing disturbed molecular motion or cure imbalance of the respective minerals in cells thus restoring health.

BIO-COMBO 1 - Anemia

BIO-COMBO 3 - Colic

BIO-COMBO 4 - Constipation

BIO-COMBO 7 - Diabetes

BIO-COMBO 8 - Diarrhea

BIO-COMBO 11 - Fever

BIO-COMBO 12 - Headaches

BIO-COMBO 13 - Leucorrhoea

BIO-COMBO 14 - Measles